I initially thought that I wouldn't use all of the 10 steps in creating my portfolio, but as I went through each steps, I found myself wanting/needing to use all 10. A logo allows followers to associate me with a visual icon, similar to logos like the live strong bracelets, or the Google logo. Each of the steps highlights my unique skills, and provides various outlets for others to follow. (via twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.). What the 10 steps also provides is a human/personal connection through my about me, tag line, and services. Smashing Magazines overall approach in creating a portfolio, seems at first glance to be too much, but after analyzing my page each step had a specific role in creating a well rounded portfolio that can sell itself.
40+ Portfolio's
I really enjoyed Cartonblanc's web portfolio. The visual layout is eye-catching, and creates this urge to click around all the tabs and arrows. The flash animations is what bought me on this portfolio, instead of just clicking a simple button, and transferring to a new page, we get a cool animation that brings life and color to the portfolio. The start-up screen was a good way of providing the viewer a distraction while the web page loaded, which I feel makes it more interesting than starring at a blank screen.
If I were to apply this approach to my web portfolio, I would need to look into creating effective flash animations that aid my page in navigation, and aesthetics. While at the same time not being to distracting and complicated.
Shannon Moellers page was another web page I enjoyed, and found to have an effective curb appeal. Unlike some of the other web pages, Moellers is simple, yet provides enough information allowing the viewer to understand what and who they're looking at. We get some of this from the tag line that takes up 25% of the page and helps to briefly describe what Moeller does and some quirky interest to create a personal connection to the viewer. PAge navigation was easy, and had a consistent tone from each different page. I liked the thumbnail list which bubbled a description of what the image links to when scrolled over. this visual approach to me made the page flow more easily, and feel less cluttered and bare with words and descriptions. Other links such as portfolio, and blog pages are easily identifiable at the top and bottom of the page, making it convenient for the viewer to not have to scroll up and down the page.
What I would use and apply to my page, would be the simplicity of the layout, and the thumbnail page list. Again in order to achieve a page like this, I would need to look into flash animation, as well as some indesign/photoshop to create a simple yet engaging page.
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